You are here: Communications > Communication Messages

Communication Messages

You can manage all LearnCenter communication messages under one ControlPanel menu. You can use either the standard LearnCenter messages, or customize them for your own LearnCenter or sub LearnCenter. You also have the ability to customize when the messages are sent to Users.

Communication Messages supports the use of HTML. You can activate this setting in System Options in the root LearnCenter. Once activated, an HTML editor, similar to the LearnCenter WYSIWYG Editor tool bar, is available directly on the Modify Messages window, the Com Center, and all Enrollment messages, including Pre-Status and Post-Status messages.

Also included with this feature is an obscenity filter that replaces obscene words in both message subject and body before messages are sent.

The following User Permissions are required to use the features in this menu:

  • View Management Links (sub permission of Manage Options)
  • View Content
  • Manage Messages (parent and sub User Permissions)

See Messages User Permissions for instructions on granting or denying these permissions.

On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click   on the Communications menu to expand it.
  2. Click Messages.

All available messages for the LearnCenter are listed. You can sort messages by clicking the column headers. Use the Filters section to search for specific messages. You can filter by Name, Subject, and Status. By default, both Active and Inactive messages display when the page opens. You can also search by Event Type. You can manage communication messages for the following types of LearnCenter items:


You can hide message types for selected Users by denying the associated View User Permission under Manage Messages User Permission. See Messages User Permissions for instructions on granting or denying these permissions.

Additional action icons display when you rest your pointer on a message in the Messages section.



Click this to restore a Communication Message back to its default setting. This only appears next to messages in which the text has been edited or the format (text or HTML) has been changed.

Note: When you restore a message, it inherits the information from the parent LearnCenter.

Click this to copy a message.

Click this to view message details.

Click this to edit a message.

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